Mathematics in secondary schools: now... and afterwards?

Les mathématiques dans l'enseignement secondaire: quel futur?

De toekomst van de wiskunde in het middelbaar onderwijs?

In collaboration with…

This day is organised in collaboration with the following societies:


The aim is to discuss recent evolutions in the mathematics curricula of secondary schools and the relation with higher education and universities.

Where and when?

The event will be organised at the The Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, in auditorium Baudouin (not Rubens) on Saturday November 19, 2011.


There is no fee to pay but registration is mandatory. The deadline for registration was November 1st, 2011.

Programme of the day

09.30Welcome coffee
10.00Talk 1 - Gilles Godefroy (Paris)
L'enseignement secondaire des Mathématiques en France (Mathematics in French high schools)
11.00Talk 2 - Frans Keune (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Terug bij af (Back to square one)
12.00Panel discussion chaired by Alain Verschoren, rector of UA
13.00General assembly of BMS; election of new committee (very short)

Further information