Recent breakthroughs in Mathematics and General Assembly 2023



The Belgian Mathematical Society was happy to invite you to its "Recent breakthroughs and GA" symposium which took place on the afternoon of Wednesday March 29 2023 at the Palace of the academies, auditorium Albert II.  

Aside from the yearly general assembly of the BMS, the event consisted in an afternoon's discussion by international experts on some of the more breathtaking breakthroughs in contemporary mathematics.

Participation is free for BMS members and PhD students, but registration is mandatory, see below. Non PhD students who are not BMS members will be invited to become members to enjoy the free drinks :-). 


  • 13h00 - 13h30 café + accueil + AG (BMS effective members only)
  • 13h30 - 13h40 welcome
  • 13h40 - 14h30 Daniel DRIMBE (KUL) - "BMS Young Scholar Award"
  • 14h30 - 15h20 Cédric PILATTE (Oxford) - about the work of James Maynard 
  • 15h20 - 15h50 pause
  • 15h50 - 16h40 Botong WANG (University of Wisconsin-Madison) - about the work of June Huh
  • 16h40 - 17h30 Ioan MANOLESCU (Fribourg) - about the work of Hugo Duminil-Copin
  • 17h30 - 18h30 drink 

Documents: titles and abstracts - poster - attendance list