Recent breakthroughs in Mathematics and General Assembly 2024


The Belgian Mathematical Society is happy to invite you to its "Recent breakthroughs in Mathematics"  symposium which will take on Wednesday December 18 2024 at ULB, Campus Solbosch (room Somville, building S, to be confirmed). On this occasion we will also organise the society's general assembly. 

Participation is free for BMS members and PhD students, but registration is mandatory, see below. Non PhD students who are not BMS members will be invited to become members to enjoy the free drinks :-). 

Programme (tentative)

10h30-11h00 : Welcome coffee
11h00-12h00 : Jean-Michel Roquejoffre about the work of Luis Cafarelli (Abel prize 2023)
12h00-14h00 : lunch 
13h00-13h30 : BMS Board meeting
13h30-14h00 : BMS General assembly
14h00-15h00 : David Gontier about the work of Maryna Viazovska (Fields Medal 2022)

Sphere packing and the work of Maryna Viazovska

In this talk, we review what is currently known, conjectured and open about the sphere packing. We will prove that the triangular lattice is optimal in dimension d=2. Then, we will present the method by Cohn-Elkies, and explain how it was solved by Viazovska in dimension d=8.

15h00-16h00 : Talk by winner of the YSA 2024
16h00-16h30 : coffee break
16h30-17h30 : Ronan Herry about the work of Michel Talagrand (Abel prize 2024)
17h30-18h30 : drink


Documents: titles and abstracts - poster - attendance list